Videos of the shows might better help. Does anyone have a video of Panorama? I'll send a check for the cost of the video, shipping & time.
Let me know
let's all help bill bowen with his great work by taking copies of the dateline and panorama to our local newspapers and enfazing children's safety.
this is a good time since there have been so many child abductions in the media.
no one wants pedophiles knocking in their door at their home.
Videos of the shows might better help. Does anyone have a video of Panorama? I'll send a check for the cost of the video, shipping & time.
Let me know
let's all help bill bowen with his great work by taking copies of the dateline and panorama to our local newspapers and enfazing children's safety.
this is a good time since there have been so many child abductions in the media.
no one wants pedophiles knocking in their door at their home.
Let's all help Bill Bowen with his great work by taking copies of the Dateline and Panorama to our local newspapers and enfazing children's safety. This is a good time since there have been so many child abductions in the media. No one wants pedophiles knocking in their door at their home.
Better yet, let's have a contest to see how many newspapers we can convince to run articles.
Edited by - Cappuccino OC on 27 July 2002 9:15:32
in my humbly opinion, the wts is afraid of loosing their uncommissioned & unsalaried "sales people".
the numbers haven't been realy rising except in economically disadvantaged countires, edc, also known as 3rd world countires.
the countries that report jw growth are the same ones that also report growth of the aids epidemic.
In my humbly opinion, the WTS is afraid of loosing their uncommissioned & unsalaried "sales people". The numbers haven't been realy rising except in Economically Disadvantaged Countires, EDC, also known as 3rd world countires. The countries that report JW growth are the same ones that also report growth of the AIDS epidemic.
Today two JW's told me, "I can hardly wait for the new system." I then replied, (sheepishly) so let's think of action plan that will help your situation (one - health - other finances) until the "new system'. What can you control now? It made them think & they started brain storming. (I thought smoke would come out of their ears for using their brains to think). Some answers were eating healthier, walking for 20 min. etc, others were updating resume, job hunting & So on.
Now with the Abuse Scandals the WTS wants to HOLD on to their power doing whatever they can. They are aware that if JW's start doubting they will leave. I've heard time after time that the US contributions greatly help support the "world wide work" aka preaching. It would be so devasting to the WTS corporation even if they lost 1/2 of their followers here in the US. It would cause a HUGE dent in their $$$$ contributions.
I've made my mommy doubt. I informed her of the WTS & the UN. SHe just got engaged to a "worldy" man. YES!! I think she's on her way out.
Out of almost 1,000,000 JW's in the US I now have 999,999 to go.
lets send e-mails to dateline.
please dont have to type a long winded letter, just let them know about bill bowen and how the org.
is sending the message loud and clear that if you report child molest you will be kicked out.. we need all of you to that they get an avalanche of letters that they just cannot ignore.. come on you owe 2 minutes of your time....bill bowen spends just about all his time to this .. .
Just e-mailed them
am i the only one, wondering why is that when a brave soul stands up for the rights of those being abused and injustice they have so much violent opposition?
for example both martin luther king and ghandi stood up for people rights and look at their tragic ending.
here are some quotes by ghandi: .
Am I the only one, wondering why is that when a brave soul stands up for the rights of those being abused and injustice they have so much violent opposition?
For example both Martin Luther King and Ghandi stood up for people rights and look at their tragic ending. Here are some quotes by Ghandi:
Justice should become cheap and expeditious. Today it is the luxury of the rich and the joy of the gambler.
Freedom battles are not fought without paying heavy prices.
No charter of freedom will be worth looking at which does not ensure the same measure of freedom for the minorities as for the majority.
The willing sacrifice of the innocent is the most powerful retort to insolent tyranny that has yet been conceived by God or man.
Everyone should realize the secret that oppression thrived only when the oppressed submitted to it .
A life of sacrifice is the pinnacle of art, and is full of true joy
Success is the certain result of suffering of the extremist character voluntarily undergone.
The quest of Truth involves tapas (self-suffering) sometimes even unto death.
Ahimsa means infinite love, which again means infinite capacity for suffering.
Website on MLK
Website on Ghandi
why don't we show our support and our outrage at the same time to the governing body for their actions towards bill bowan, barb, and all the silentlambs and see how many we can flood into the wtbs headquarters.
what do you think??
edited by - orangefatcat on 26 july 2002 9:48:39edited by - orangefatcat on 26 july 2002 9:49:37.
Okay let's do it.
the associated press reports that bill bowen, former elder and anti- sexual abuse activist, has been disfellowshipped by the watchtower society for criticizing the handling of child sexual abuse cases.. read it on-line:
rado vleugel
Bill & Sheila,
My prayers are with you & your family. You have done nothing wrong. I will never stop speaking to you or logging into your amazing web site.
I will not share part in the WTS sins for harboring pedophiles.
<<<<<<<<<<Bill & Sheila>>>>>>>>>>>
Now if you need a Witness in good standing, in their eyes of course - WTS, I'm here. Let me know how I can help with the demonstration in NY.
Capp from the NW US
if we apply the wts rule of -2 eye witnesses needed- then that means .
that on friday, september the 27th, the wts's gb will be disfellowshiped.
i'm positive that many survivors of child abuse by jw's will be present.
Yes Shutterbug, age 3. She finally has an appointment scheduled to start counseling next week. She's also the cutest thing you've ever seen. She looks like Catherine Zeta-Jones.
She's been playing telephone tag with Brother Bill Bowen. I told her that I would support her 110% in whatever her decision is - if she wants to go public & file charges against the WTS.
It will be interesting to see what happens since I'm not DF of DA - just inactive for the last 3 months since Dateline. I had no idea the problem was worldwide in the borg.
Hope to meet all of you soon.
hmmm... tastes like chicken.. .
am i chicken?
am i a frog?
my jw dad called me this morning and told me that he found my jw uncle dead, face-down on the floor in his home.
he's taking it hard.
i was shocked to hear him say that he wanted me to be with the family.
I'm so sorry <<<<<<<<Fire Dragon>>>>>>>>>